
For any question, suggestion or comment you might have concerning LIAM2 usage, please send a message to the LIAM2-users mailing list. Please note that, as a spam counter measure, new member posts are moderated. We are doing all we can to let them through as quickly as possible, but since it is a manual process it can take a few hours, or exceptionally a few days. Please be patient in case your post is delayed.

You can subscribe to the users mailing list by entering your email address here:

For any kind of discussion concerning the development of LIAM2 itself (the “Python code”), please use the LIAM2-dev mailing list. Like for the LIAM2-users mailing list, new member posts are moderated but we are letting them through as quickly as we can.

You can subscribe to the development mailing list by entering your email address here:

If you really do not want your message to be public, you can contact the authors at liam2 x plan y be (replace x and y by @ and . respectively) but we would highly prefer if you used the mailing list instead if you can.

To contact the institution maintaining the project and this website, please see the Federal Planning Bureau contact page.